Suralin + Tics

Ackerstraße 169, 10115         map

February 3.
Doors 7pm Start 8pm




tomatenplatten, little league shows & kreuzgut.disko prsnt:

SURALIN / indie rock, chemnitz

TICS / post-punk, köln

after 22h, look forward to the Kreuzgut.Disko DJs playing finest indie rock, post-punk, shoegaze, britpop … tunes for you!

SURALIN are Alex, Matthias, Steve and Toni. The band was founded in Chemnitz/Germany in 2009. Since 2010, several recordings have been released on Sweet Home Records, Cargo Records and Atomino Tonträger. SURALIN have played numerous concerts and tours at home and abroad.

The fifth longplayer of the quartet from Chemnitz/Germany initially builds on the sound of its predecessors: a finely spun web of various Indie and Post-whatever influences, which, despite all its complexity, seems quite simple and organic. The “reduction to the essentials”, as bassist Matthias says, has been even more consistent this time. Recorded live in the studio and without instrumental overdubs or additional effects in the mix. “It’s the pure sound of the instruments, our pedals and the recording room.”

As a result, SURALIN sound even more urgent than usual, with moving depth. On the driving fundation of drums and bass, the two guitars can unfold their interplay between melody and dissonance. The nine songs contain an astonishing number of arabesque figures as well as motorik repetitions that have a considerable pull effect. Embedded in this are the often fragile vocals of Alex, who comments on the state of his environment.

According to singer Alex, the album title “Nothing is the News” combines the thoughts that while the world is constantly changing, technology is evolving, and humans are multiplying drastically, humans as such seem to remain the same. Power, subjugation, exclusion, envy, resentment and selfishness are the predominant themes. Despite these heavy topics, it becomes clear again and again in the lyrics that changes are possible through one’s own behavior and that the will for the better prevails. Positive despair.

In addition, the title is also an allusion to SURALIN itself, who unswervingly hold on to their passion for making music, so Alex points out.

“Nothing is the News” was recorded live in July 2021 at the Larox recording studio, Chemnitz, by Hilmar Habrom. Mixing and mastering was done by Mikey Young in Melbourne, Australia. The cover design is by Christian “Zomber” Sommer. The album will be released digitally and as a vinyl LP on September 29, 2023 via It’s Eleven Records.

TICS. Flash Language ( ab 02.02.24 auf Tomatenplatten )

“What we do is secret”! Seitdem die GERMS Ende der 70er ihr Handeln so skandierten, ist schon einige Male das Schräge & Laute dechiffriert worden. Um dann doch verborgen und ungesehen abzutauchen. “Flash Language” lautet der Titel des neu erscheinenden Albums der TICS aus Köln. Räubersprache also. Hier gilt es jedoch nicht die Richtung in die Unkenntlichkeit zu wählen, keine spröde Distanz zu nehmen. Sound als permanente Distinktion ist anstrengend. Und längst auserzählt. Nein, die TICS rücken genau andersherum, wieder zum Song. Und zur Melodie.

“Flash Language” – so sagt es das Lexikon – ist eine Sprachvarietät, die eine Sprache ergänzt, erweitert oder modifiziert, jedoch nicht unabhängig von dieser existieren kann. Und so ist es mit dem Sound der TICS: Dieser entspringt nicht aus dem Nichts. Die junge Zuhörerin denkt vielleicht an HORSEGIRL oder LIFEGUARD, der ältere Zuhörer fühlt sich an DC Bands erinnert oder gar an britischen Postpunk ala WIRE oder The FALL.

“Flash Language” macht den Schritt zurück vom gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bezug und Abgleich. Hinein in etwas, das nur um sich selbst weiß: Eine eigene Sprache sprechen.

Die zehn Songs wurden im Bearcave Studio in Köln von Olaf Opal aufgenommen und gemischt. Das Artwork wurde von Tim Green aus Chicago entworfen.

TICS “Flash Language” erscheint am 02. Februar 2024 auf Tomatenplatten