Schokoladen Ackerstraße 169, 10115 map July 20. 18:00 Uhr |
34 Jahre – Schokoladen und der Ackerstadtpalast feiern ein ganzes Wochenende drinnen und draußen, Eintritt Spende.
Lasst uns einen sicheren Ort frei von sexistischem, rassistischen, ableistischen, homo- oder transphobem Verhalten schaffen! *english below.
Eastie Rois (Punk Rock) Not The Ones (Punk Rock) Bumanbuman (Solo PunkRock Project) DJ: tba.
—— Hof:
Augelectrik (synthie, bln) Baumarkt (bipolarer Menschen-punk) Saturno 4000 (psych/groove, bln)
Schokoladen wants the Hoffest to be a space where personal boundaries are respected and everyone looks out for one another. If your boundaries or those of someone else are crossed, you can reach out to us, the Awareness Team. We are marked with neonpink tape and are walking around Schoki. Let’s create a safe space free of sexism, racism, ableism, homo- or transphobia! Enjoy the Hoffest, your A-Team!